Finding Out Sukkot History For Kids

Sukkot Is Considered As The Big Event In A Year, So It Is Necessary To Find Out The Finding Out Sukkot History For Kids:

Finding Out Sukkot History For Kids

According To The Torah, On This Holiday We Should “Live In Booths (Sukkot) Seven Days…In Order That Future Generations May Know That I Made The Israelite People Live In Booths When I Brought Them Out Of The Land Of Egypt, I Am The Lord Your God” (Lev. 23:42-43).

Finding Out Sukkot History For Kids

"Sukkot", The Plural, Is The Name Of The Festival Of Booths.

Finding Out Sukkot History For Kids

Sukkot, A Hebrew Word Meaning “Booths” Or “Huts” Refers To The Annual Jewish Festival Of Giving Thanks For A Bountiful Fall Harvest.

Happy Sukkot With Kids And These Finding Out Sukkot History For Kids.
